Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How-To : Stay Slim Without Leaving Your Favourite Food

In the present day, almost of us have a problem with our fatigue. Especially in our belly.well, it’s a necessary thing, consider that almost of everyday we eat soft drink, fast food,etc. some of us,want to loss their weight, and of course their fatigue. But not everyone want to change our eating habbit. Hey, I have a solution, how if we can loss our weight , while still eat our favourite food?
In this post, I will give you an information about a somewhat unusual weight loss strategy that can help you get a flatter belly in under 7 days, while still enjoying the foods you love. Sound amazing, right?
Okay, here we go…

1.    Green Tea
green tea is well known for its peculiar property to reduce the risk cancer and also heart disease . It turns out that it is not only that, green tea contains antioxidants called catechin that according to research can reduce the fat on the belly.
Once In addition, if we drink green tea before exercise,it will be able to increase the burning fat process during aerobic exercise.

2.    Watermelon Smoothie
Watermelon Smoothie contains water which functions as a natural hydrator. In addition, watermelon also has many nutrition that  able to fight against cancer, and the right amino acids that functions as amino acid.
In a study in the Journal of Nutrition found that amino acid can reduce body fat and also to improve muscle mass.

3.     Eat More often 
Eat five small daily portion will help your metabolism and help you reduce body weight. With small food more often will make you don't feel hungry to prevent their hunger and a desire to eat too much

Okay. That’s the best I can write for you,I hope you can loos your weight. But, if you want a better and maximum result, I suggest you to buy a weightloss product from Dr.Charles D.C. you will be very surprised with the result. If you are interesting,click the link bellow to buy his product. 

Remember,no action,nothing happen. But when you take action,miracle happen. So practice what I write with discipline, and I you want more, click the link bellow.
Thank you.

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